Чартеры в Прагу

Prague Brno transfer in Porsche Cayenne

We are proud to offer you transfer from Prague to Brno city in Porsche Cayenne. We will pick you at the Prague airport or at any other address in Prague and transport you quickly and safely to Brno — again — to any address. There is no change in price — we will not charge anything extra whether you need to travel directly from Ruzyne airport. The driver will collect you inside of terminal of Prague airport, will help you with your luggage and safely transport you to Brno.

The distance between Prague and Brno is 200km (about 130miles) or 230km from Prague airport. The travel time depends on traffic situation in Prague and mainly on the D1 highway. You can get from Prague to Brno quicker than 2 hours or it can take more than 4 hours (friday afternoon). If you book with Airport Transfer Prague, your operator will help you to point the best time of pick up.

Discounted return transfer Prague — Brno

If you return from Brno the same day, maybe it would be preferable to you to pay driver waiting time instead of booking return journey (that is 2 trips eg.Prague-Brno-Prague or Brno-Prague-Brno). Per every hour of waiting we charge 350,-CZK (11,5GBP / 13EUR / 16USD).

Anyway — there is 10% discount on the return journey (you book transfer "there and back", the second transfer is discounted)

Complete price list of transfer on route Prague Brno: transfers in Porsche Cayenne (max.4 passengers)

Prague — Brno (or Brno — Prague) 5650 CZK (186GBP or 204EUR or 257USD)
Prague — Brno — Prague (or Brno — Prague — Brno) 10750 CZK (355GBP or 389EUR or 489USD)
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Discounted transfer to MotoGP in Brno

Do you like fast wheels? Why not to arrive to Brno moto GP really stylish? Book Porsche Cayenne transfer from and to Prague airport one month in advance and get 10% discount. For more info contact us or simply call 00420 728 876 876.

"We must say that we felt like VIP clients in that massive and luxury car. We booked this special Prague airport taxi on recommendation of a friend and we did not feel sorry. We were three travellers and 80 quids each was affordable. The driver was speaking well english and listened to our wishes — so we stopped couple of times and we were taking pictures with girls on a gas station! The whole trip was fun! Bob Robins"

